Windows 8 from a translator's perspective
Are you thinking about upgrading to Window 8? Maybe you’re wondering if it’s worth your while or thinking “what if my CAT tools and favorite programs aren’t compatible?” Changing operating systems can be stressful and entails loads of time consuming work on your part. These factors become even more important if you’re running your own business. So if your PC or laptop is running Windows 7 and everything is running smoothly, you probably don’t need to run off and get the latest version of Windows. However, if you’re thinking about buying a new laptop that comes with Windows 8 pre-installed, I say go for it. In my case I upgraded an older laptop running Windows Vista. Considering the many drawbacks of Vista I figured I had nothing to lose and in fact I gained quite a bit. The upgrade is straight forward and fairly quick and easy; plus the download only cost me 40 dollars. The setup tool even analyzes your computer and lets you know which programs will need to be re-installed a...